Are You Struggling With an Unmotivated Teenager?

Discover proven strategies that will enable you to unlock your teenagers inner-drive!


Mid-Year Special Offer.

Unlock Your Teenager's Potential & Save $100!

Start Making Changes Today


You have got this awesome teenager, with loads of potential and all you want is for them to make the most of it.


But it is not happening. Your Teenager is UNMOTIVATED!


And we are not talking just a little vague, or easily distracted. No, no... you have one "unmotivated, minimal effort, as little as possible, can't be bothered" type teenager on your hands.

No matter what you do or say nothing seems to work. And it is so frustrating because you know what they are capable of if they just put in the effort.

But it feels impossible to get through to them and get them engaged. The more you try the worse things get between the two of you. So instead of the joy of watching them grow and develop you are constantly feeling stressed and anxious about their future and what you are doing wrong as a parent.


Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You have given them freedom to manage things themselves...
  • You have offered them rewards and incentives...
  • You have threatened and issued "consequences"...
  • You have explained what is at stake and why things are important...
  • And then you have just begged them to "at least just try.....please?!"

But nothing works, and you are left feeling drained and worried...

Is your teen becoming less motivated while your relationship with them is increasingly strained?

But the more you try to make things happen the more resistant your teen is to doing anything.

It feels like you are either nagging or arguing with your teen all the time. They are more withdrawn from you, and communication between the two of you gets harder and harder.

An unmotivated teenager can do your head in! You worry they won't become the adult they could be, and that you have become the parent you never wanted to be.


Imagine how good it would feel...


Having a Motivated Teenager

Your teenager knows what to do and takes responsibility for actually DOING IT!

To Not Argue or Threaten

You and your teenager are able to enjoy each other, without the constant tension of what isn't happening.

Not Worrying About the Future

You can relax knowing your teenager is doing their best and is not putting future opportunities at risk.










A self-paced online course designed specifically to equip parents with all they need to motivate their disinterested, under-achieving, or unmotivated teenagers. Learn exactly what you need to do to unlock your teenager's motivation, and how you can achieve it following a proven step-by-step process.

This course does not follow the common motivational techniques you find elsewhere, which have proven time and again to be ineffective. The approach you will learn in this course is supported by decades of research and scientific study and has been shown to work repeatedly with teenagers around the world.

This Is Exactly What I Need

It Really Works...

This course has completely changed my relationship with my teenage son in just a few months.

The course has taught me that lack of motivation to study was just a symptom of the poor communication we had. Thanks to Chris Hudson we have been able to start again from the foundations, and build up a solid relationship which is now allowing my son to flourish naturally in all areas, not just school. I highly recommend this course to any parent who is in despair of motivating their teen or having a good relationship with them. It really will change your lives!  

Kate Babb (Spain)

Ready to change your lives?

Let's Make Some Changes

At the end of this course you will...

Know What Your Teenager Needs

Instead of using any old strategy you can think of try to motivate your teenager, this will teach you to identify the specific issues to on for YOUR TEENAGER


Be Less Anxious About the Future

Make stressing about your teenager's future a thing of the past. Instead of sitting back feeling helpless and anxious, be empowered to help your teen find their inner drive and realise their potential.

No Longer Need to Argue

When you have effective strategies that don't rely on begging, bribes, and threats, the arguments will be replaced by your teen sharing with you or asking for help. Pretty cool huh?

Parent With Confidence

Free yourself from the worry and self-doubt about your parenting. Find strategies that work, stop second-guessing your decisions, and feel good about yourself and your parenting journey.

Have An Improved Relationship

By learning how to communicate constructively with your teenager you will be able to reset your relationship and feel more connected and positive about each other.

Enjoy Seeing Your Teen Thrive

Once you have got your teen motivated and removed the obstacles, you can start watching your teenager flourish and enjoy seeing them develop, grow, and thrive.

Want to Change Your Situation?

I'm Ready to Get Started

Read On to Find Out What's Inside...

You get lifetime access to all the modules and materials, so you can refresh your memory anytime you need to.

Module 1


The Secret of Your Unmotivated Teenager


In this first module you will discover why common assumptions and strategies for motivating teenagers are ineffective, and often de-motivating. The lessons in this module inlcude "You Cannot Motivate Your Teenager" and "How Your Teenager is Already Motivated".

Module 2


3 Things Every Motivated Teenager Needs


Module 2 is all about the conditions teenagers require to develop lasting self-motivation. Research has shown that for young people to desire and sustain change they need 3 things; AUTONOMY, COMPETENCE, and RELATIONSHIPS. In this module you will learn exactly what it means for you as a parent to provide these essential motivational ingredients to your teenager. You will also discover the common parenting habits that sabotage and undermine teenage motivation.

Module 3


Change Blockers - The Enemies of Motivation


Even if you are completely focused and committed to providing your teenager with what they need to be motivated, and avoid all the normal de-motivating parenting tactics, then can still be specific issues that are a barrier to your teenager making positive changes. So in Module 3 we walk through in detail the 6 most common Change Blockers and how they inhibit your teenager's motivation.

Module 4


Helping Your Teen Resolve Ambivalence


In module 3 you are introduced to the biggest change blocker and enemy to motivation - AMBIVALENCE. Because it is so common and often the most complex change blocker to overcome, module 4 is dedicated to showing you how to resolve your teenager's ambivalence to whatever particular motivational challenge is in front of them. You will learn how to take your teen through a simple 3 part process that enables them to clarify what is really happening and find a clear path forward.

Module 5


Strategies for Solving Your Teen's Change Blockers


Having worked through a solution to your teenager's Ambivalence in Module 4, Module 5 steps through the specific strategies required to help your teen overcome the other Change Blockers. You may not need to use all these strategies, but based on what you identified as stopping your teenager in Module 3, you will be able to develop a clear action plan to get your teenager motivated and making positive progress.

Module 6


How & When to Use Extrinsic Motivation


For most of this course, you will learn how to get your teen to be self-motivated, by activating their internal drive and desires, and by removing any obstacles that may be getting in the way. You will do this without resorting to extrinsic motivation ("carrot & stick"). But there is absolutely a place for using external drivers, both positive and negative, to get your teen to take action. In Module 6 you will learn when to use extrinsic motivational techniques to create lasting change, and the specific methods of using extrinsic motivation with your teenager.


But wait, there's more....

Along with all the videos, notes, and worksheets included in the course you also receive bonus access to additional material and content to help you with specific parenting challenges


Get Your Teen Helping Around The Home

This parent guide and companion workbook applies the principles from Motivating Teenagers, specifically to getting teens motivated to help around the house. Imagine your teen doing chores without you nagging!


Here Is What You Get..


Instant Lifetime Access to the Motivating Teenagers Course

You can start the course today, and you work at your own pace. And you have Liftetime Access!

Loads of Useful Content

Over 4 hours of video content, downloadable audio lessons, printable lesson notes and workbooks for every module

Getting Teens Helping Around The Home

Apply the motivational strategies you learn specifically to getting your teen contributing around the home.



The Results Speak for Themselves...

I can't say enough about the comprehensiveness and usefulness of this material.


From the opening lesson all the way to the end Chris challenges the common and erroneous beliefs we have about teenagers in general but specifically with regards to motivation. The material is very optimistic and valuable . Chris is a very clear and effective communicator and has much wisdom to offer any parent in general that has a teen but specifically one that has a teen that seems lost, unmotivated or stuck.


Lynn Holloway (USA)

Motivating Teenagers really helped me get in touch with my fears and agendas for my teen.


This was an invaluable insight as it truly enlightened my teens individual and unique path. It brought to the light what I was doing to block communication and opened up the dialogue. And, the session on chores and reframing worked exceptionally well. It's been insightful. Thank you!


Leanne Trip (Australia)

Mid-Year 2024 Offer


Limited Time Offer. Normally $197.

  • Everything Required for a Proven Method of Motivating Teenagers
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all Videos, Audio, & Workbooks
  • Instant Access to all your Free Bonus
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • You Can Start Making Changes Today

Limited Offer $100 Discount

This course normally sells for $197

But as a Mid-Year 2024, we are offering it for only $97! You save over $100, get lifetime access to all the same material, a bonus module,  and you keep your sanity by getting your teenager MOTIVATED!

This Is A Limited Time Offer

Price Will Be $197 When Timer Runs Out









100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

This course has already helped families from countries all around the world, and we are very confident that it can help you and your teenager. But we don't want you to just take our word for it.

That is why this course comes with a 30 day  Satisfaction Guarantee. If after purchasing and trying the course you are not happy or satisfied, you will receive 100% of your money back. No questions, no strings, no conditions, no secret admin charges! Just let us know if you aren't happy and we will refund your money.

About The Course Teacher

Chris Hudson

Chris Hudson (M.Ed.) is a Youth Specialist, Parent Coach, and founder of Understanding Teenagers – a service that specialises in helping parents like you build better relationships with their teenagers. He works with individuals and organisations in Australia and internationally as a coach, consultant, and speaker equipping adults and young people to achieve lasting transformation.

With over 25 years of experience working with young people and their families, Chris brings a unique depth of knowledge and understanding to the issues parents face raising teenagers.

Chris is also a parent himself, and knows first hand that no parent is perfect, and every family has it's own quirks and challenges.  He is a firm believer that with kindness, courage, and the ability to see the lighter side occasionally, all parents can build lasting satisfying connections with their kids. 

Here’s What People are Saying About Working with Chris

 Sincere thanks Chris for the work that you have done with the parents in our schools at the end of last term.  The parents who attended felt it was so helpful and provided a lot of strategies and practical advice which some parent presentations by other presenters have lacked."



Janita Thomson (Parenting Coodinator, NSW, Australia )

Thoroughly enjoyed the training with Chris. Excellent content. Very good to hear someone who has worked their way to clarity and who can talk with such mastery on the subject of teenagers.


Peter McKenna (Principal, QLD, Australia)

Chris is an exceptional talent and did a brilliant job coaching on Kore Venture.  He really gets the issues facing families and kids. Chris will be a great resource for any programming you run for families.


Andrew Doust (Founder Kore Venture, Dubai)

Frequently Asked Questions

Invest In You and Your Teenager!

Living with an unmotivated teenager is not fun. And it usually puts lots of relational strain on the whole family. Not to mention the emotional and mental fatigue it causes for you as a parent.

When you consider the months and years of stress and frustration that can be avoided when you are able to relax and see your teen focused and content, the cost of a course like this provides an amazing opportunity - not only for you but for your teenager!

For less than $90 you could have all you need to obtain:

- Peace of mind about your teenager reaching their potential

 - Improved connection and relationship with your teenager

- A more peaceful and harmonious household

- And most importantly a self-motivated and engaged teenager

This course has been created to provide effective assistance that can be accessed by nearly anyone. And in doing so it aims to deliver exceptional value by providing life-changing advice and strategies for a relatively small financial cost.

With over 4 hours of recorded content plus workbooks and bonuses, this course represents incredible value.

Personal coaching with Chris for 4 hours costs nearly $800, and in some cases much, much more!

With this program, you get enough material to make a lasting impact on your teenager and your family, for less than the cost of a single coaching session.


The Results Speak for Themselves...

 Since I got the course material, I have been finding excuses to read. After viewing the material I am filled with regrets asking myself how come this was not available when my child was 14. We work so hard on correcting our kids but at time it is we the parents who need to correct. This course has helped me evaluate my parenting style and find less complains about my teen.


Manu Shahi (Texas, USA)

This process brought the most incredible change for the better to our mother- son relationship. We relate to each other in a much better way and almost as crazy as it sounds in a closer way too; he is no longer put off by an emotional mum but a calmer version of myself instead. I have learnt so much about myself through Chris' kind, considerate and professional guidance and now feel better equipped to handle these turbulent teenage years.


Andrea Fowlds (England)

This is a special end of 2023 offer for Understanding Teenagers Subscribers.

As a way of supporting our UT subscribers, we are offering valuable proven content at a fraction of the normal price.

This course normally sells for $197 (which is still amazing value for what it can deliver!)










This Special Offer Ends When Timer Runs Out.

There Will Never Be a Better Time

Get access to this course, and start making changes with your teenager today!

You save 55% and learn how to get your teenager firing on all cylinders - sounds like a good decision.

Mid-Year 2024 Offer


Limited Time

  • Everything Required for a Proven Method of Motivating Teenagers
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all Videos, Audio, & Workbooks
  • Instant Access to your Bonus module
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • You Can Start Making Changes Today

A Note From Chris

Hi there, and thanks for reading (or skimming) this far down the page. This course is something I am proud of, mainly because I know it works and I have seen the relief in parents when their teenager has turned the corner. My sincere hope is that by doing this course, you and your teenager can discover and realise a whole world of possibilities.

I hope it helps.